The pictures aren't really clear as to how much has been trimmed, but it's sufficient to say that there are now a lot less branches that cross over each other. Pruning opens up the centre of the tree to more light and more airflow. And as an added benefit, makes harvesting easier too.
I've also built a new bed at the front of the plot which will become a second strawberry bed, right next to the existing one.
Second? Probably third. Possibly fourth. Yeah, the Wife wants a few more strawberry growing areas. What with those in the greenhouse, the stackable trays... Note to self; lay in super large stocks of cream for summer.
We've also re-potted our blueberries into larger pots. They probably need to be pruned as well. But the Wife mentioned something about taking cuttings from them to try and create more blueberry plants. Do I see yet more berries in my future?
And the onions have been planted too.
Onions left, Blueberries right.
Elsewhere on the plot, the old greenhouse has had a mini-clean. It will get a full clean later in the year. As will the new greenhouse. It has a thin green film on the inside of the glass as a remnant of last year's Tomatoes. I also need to build a table inside so we have a raised area better suited to putting seedlings and plants on.
Oh, and I need to make more beds as well. So much work to do... and I haven't even ordered this years seeds yet.
Best crack on...