Saturday, 15 June 2013

A horrible miserable day

Well it wasn't first thing this morning (8am) it was nice and sunny. But the clouds rolled in as the day progressed. Fortunately I have work to do inside as well as out. But lets start at the beginning.

First thing I started on the weeds. The bindweed is trying to take over, so every little piece that I find peeking up through the mulch has to be pulled. It's not a nice job but it's got to be done. And on the subject of pests, I now have a new source or irritation. My artichoke has been growing well since I cleared and mulched around it. It's started putting out the artichoke flowers. But there is a problem. The green fly seem to have made their home in it.

I guess that tomorrow they are going to get a severe dose of washing up liquid spray.

I also managed to start trimming some of the borders that surrounds my plot. As well as doing the entranceway into the allotments. We have ordered a strimmer for the allotment and I am awaiting delivery. However in the meantime, those long grasses need culling.

And now comes the rain. So I head into the greenhouse to shelter and stick the kettle on. I have to plant out the chillis....

and courgettes (which are looking a little sorry for themselves) into bigger pots.

I meant to do this a week ago, but didn't manage to get round to it. But at least the basil has survived it's transplant and has taken off like a shot.

Now here's a strangeness. I planted some mint into seed trays ages ago, but only half of it grew. Something else grew in the other half of the seedtray, but I have no idea what it is. So that also got transplanted into it's own pot. I don't think it's edible, but does anybody know what it is?

Kettle's boiled. Time for coffee. Does the cup give things away?

And now as I sip my coffee I look out over the plot. Will the rain stop?

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