Saturday 18 August 2018

Working party (again)

So today was another working party. Part 1 involved getting an unloved plot back into shape. The plot regularly flooded and a previous tenant decided that a moat was the best way to counteract that. Unfortunately doing so made the site dangerous as it was very easy for anybody walking past to slip into it with potentially ankle damaging results.

We strimmed the long weeds, and uprooted what we couldn't strim (these ended up being dumped in a pile, then a load of horse manure piled on top and the covered by black plastic and some car tires to compost down). We also covered the plot with manure to give some of the bare ground a bit of nutrition where everything had gone to wrack and ruin over the scorching summer.

After Tea and Brownies, we then embarked on part 2 where we emptied out the MAGA Marquee and repaired the flooring (much wood chip and replacement carpet) and repaired some of the marquee flaps and side panels with new bungee cord. I didn't manage to get any photos of that part, so you'll have to make do with just a description.

After that we were so exhausted that we nearly didn't manage to do anything on our own plot. But there were a load of red juicy tomatoes staring at us saying "pick us, pick us".

So we did.

Plenty of trays of large toms (Ailsa Craig), one small tray of cherries toms (Sweet Million), a lonely chilli and a few obligatory courgettes (gave four away), liberally scattered across the back seat of the car, and hoping that the journey home won't leave them liberally scattered.

I guess we now need to figure out how to make tomato sauce properly. Unlike chutneys (where vinegar preserves it) and jam (where sugar preserves it), a good tomato sauce needs enough acidity to stop botulism forming, but enough taste so that it won't end up too acidic. Best get some research done quick.

But Freddy Fox doesn't think much of it all. He just wants his rest.

As do I..

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