Saturday, 19 September 2020

Breaking the 4th wall

In the Film or Theatre industry, breaking the fourth wall occurs when the actor turns to the camera/audience to say something directly.

Down the allotment, the fourth wall has been broken by a delivery of manure.

Whilst it's nice to get a manure delivery, I think they've gone a bit overboard in off loading it. The fence posts have been pushed over and many of the slats making the bays have been broken with the sheer amount of straw and other "stuff" that's been deposited.

Well I can certainly use a lot of it to re-fill the courgette beds over winter. I just need to wear wellies, climb up that mountain and start shovelling. If I make sure the beds are covered overwinter, I should be ready to go in next year for more Crown Prince.

We've decided that we really, really like the CPs so we're going to make sure that we plant more of them, and less of the normal courgettes. We will plant some of course. But this year we've had way more than we really need. Even so, today we're still getting a load of them... and a big "George".

I fear though, that we are at the end of the Tomato run. We might get the odd one or two over the next few days, but we're pretty much done with them now. We've started getting rid of some of them to that we don't have an issue with blight in the not too distant future.

But tonight, it's going to be a salad for dinner. And tomorrow... back to courgettes.

1 comment:

  1. Pleased to hear that you managed to get a CP crop after your earlier difficulties! I did smile at the number of courgettes you planted ;-) : All the best - Steve (seaside allotment)


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