Sunday 16 April 2017

Week off work

I have 5 days of holiday left over from last year that I have to use (or lose) before the end of April. So for the past couple of days I've spent it down the plot.

For starters I'm trying to get other beds into action. Although I have built the frames, the last time the new bed saw the sky was the failed attempt at trying to use a rotovator. Since then, it's been covered with weed membrane baking out the weeds.

I say baking, because the "soil" is like a brick. I've literally broken up chunks of sod. Whilst it looks very odd all stacked up, I need to get a load more organic material into it to make it suitable for planting. But that's the whole problem. How do you break up the chunks?

Mean while things are going great guns in the greenhouse. Plants are sprouting nicely (well some of them are).

Apart from the Pak Choi and beans chewed by Mr Mouse, there are definite signs of positive growth. We even have actual strawberries ripening.

Of course it can get a little hot in there. So I decided to get round to fitting the automatic opener.
Now I've had this since I first built the greenhouse. But never used it. It got thrown in the back of the shed and forgotten about. But I was having a shed clear out and came across it and decided to give it a try. It fitted quite easily to the window. Whether it'll work sufficiently remains to be seen.

On the subject of shed, I've been having a bit of a clear up in there. It's not finished yet (I still have the rest of the week remember), but things are vastly improved. I've cut some lengths of wood to act as supports for some hangers to get tools up off the floor. Hopefully by having them hanging up out of the way, things will be easier to work with in there.

On the subject of shed though, the Grape Vine that hangs around the shed is starting to show signs of life again.

Theres also a myriad of other odd jobs that have been done including sharpening Plot 30A's Billhook; making shelves for the Greenhouse #2; Building more of my stackable beds. Weeding (of course).

Tomorrow? Well I promised to fix the roof of a neighbour's shed. So if B&Q are open I'll be down there getting the stuff. Stupid Sunday Trading laws prevented me today. About time we got rid of antiquated stupidities like that.

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