Saturday 8 February 2020

Back on the plot

It's not often you get a nice sunny day in February. So we took full advantage of it and made a start clearing out some of the beds from our Weed Infested Jungle.

Between the two of us, we turned this...
and this...

into this...

It was difficult as there were a few thistles that had deep tap roots. We also were not used to hard physical work, so we took it rather slowly to get back into the swing of things. But it's early days yet. There is still a long way to go to bring the plot back under control.

We still have a whole load of path issues. But fortunately there is more than enough woodchip. But we have to get the tyre on the barrow re-inflated. Trying to wheel a barrowful of stuff on a flat tyre is not fun. And it would also help if the place dried out a bit. Tomorrows weather doesn't seem to want to help in that regard, so we're pretty glad we managed to get today done.

1 comment:

  1. Your top two pictures look like our plots. So great to see the before and after shots!


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