Saturday 14 June 2014

Odd day, but with Tomatoes

It's been a strange day. Most of this week it's been hot and sunny. Today started off overcast and within 15 minutes of arriving on the plot it decided to start throwing it down. Wife and I decided that it was better to remain in the greenhouse and last out the rain than abandon the plot altogether. Time to put the kettle on for a cuppa and stare out at the rain.

But it's not all bad here inside. There are things we can do. Such as admire the Chillies. Really need to get round to harvesting those.
Perhaps I should make some Sriracha.

The Blueberry seems to be coming along nicely. Yes, singular. Because at present there is only this one worth of that name.
There may be four (yes count them) more coming along. Woo hoo! Then again I didn't really expect much from them this year. But at least there are some nice flowers (Nasturtiums) to go with them.

So now after an hour the rain has died down and softened up the ground suitable for planting... Tomatoes.

Yes, the Wife's Tomato experiment gets it's first outside experience. 7 went outside, 3 are going to be left inside. Lets see how they fare.

As we leave, we can just see the gates on the West side. Now the letters are fixed they look pretty good. It reminds us just who we are.

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