Normally I can deal with a lot of stuff down at the allotment. But I seem to be having a bit of a health problem. It's caught me out before in the form of lung infections, but this time I don't think it's a LI but I still get short of breath just doing things around the plot. So today we didn't really get a chance to do much.
The old Willow Fence which I built a while back is looking the worse for wear.
Fortunately we were given some willow buds by a fellow plot holder a couple of weeks back. We kept them in a vase of water and they sprouted loads of roots. So now we can plant them and see if we can grow a living fence.
Meanwhile other things are hatching. Seems we have a raft of new predators on the plot. These baby spiders started swarming out from under the lip of a plant pot whilst we were there.
Go get those aphids, ants and other tasty critters.
Ooh, I like your living fence idea! Hope your breathlessness clears up for the rest of your week