Monday, 22 April 2019

Allotment Week: Day 4

So what happened to Day 3? Although the weather is perfect, I am having health issues which means I cannot catch my breath properly. Anything strenuous gets me out of breath and often triggers a coughing fit. I hate asthma. :(

So today we're limited to watering. But when we first got to the plot there was a major issue to sort out. There was a House Sparrow trapped in the greenhouse. I suspect it got in through the open window vent. That opener seems to be doing it's job, but it's still regularly reaching 40C on there. I suspect the Sparrow had been drinking from the water trays which we're keeping the strawberries in because it still seemed quite healthy when we let it out.

The heat has helped the chillies to start sprouting though they seem to be way behind more of the other plants. The French Dwarf Beans have shot off to a huge lead now. I suspect they'll need planting out soon.

But we're rather disappointed with the Soya Beans. They haven't done a thing.

The heat has also kicked off the Cape Gooseberries as well, because they're now making a showing.

Seems we may be rather hit and miss this year. But we'll see what we get. We started off the cucumbers today, as the heat seems to be ideal to get them going.

Elsewhere on the allotment though, there are some real gems of beds made. This is from our nearby neighbour on 28.
Hows that for a good showing?

I'm scheduled to go see a Doctor soon, so hopefully I can get my lungs sorted and get back to some real work.


  1. Ah, what a shame to get ill on your week off - hope you get a bit more work done, but looks like things are progressing pretty well anyway.

  2. Hi. Would love a week off to work on my plot! I like your blog, I'm reading my way through now. I've added a link to you on mine, hope that's ok, you can view see if it here. Dicky


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