Sunday, 25 July 2021

Localised flooding

Well after the sunny spell it's only right that it should end in a bang. Or rather a rumble. Yes, we've been hit with torrential downpours and rumblings that would make even the hungriest stomach wish it was fed.

After doing the usual drop-off of The Wife at the supermarket, I had to negotiate my way to the plot. I say negotiate because a lot of the roads were flooded resulting in traffic lights quitting and trying to divert my way around the blockages. I eventually manage to get there.

Of course the main throughway on the site (the one right next to us) was flooded. But also the Car Park.

I expected the greenhouse to be flooded as well, but thankfully it wasn't. Because I left the shed keys behind and couldn't put on my wellies.

Mind you, all this rain has brought out a whole load of snails and slugs. They make such a satisfying crunch underfoot.

The plot is looking quite well with another couple of courgettes to add to the tally. Which reminds me... time to start up the Tally again.

The 2021 Courgette Tally:

Hopefully that number will increase somewhat over the next few weeks.

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