Saturday, 17 July 2021

Phew, what a scorcher...

... and it's not even midday yet!

I was down the plot at stupid o'clock this morning in an attempt to beat the heat. London has a heat island effect which means it's usually one or two degrees hotter than advertised. Needless to say the first thing I did this morning was make sure everything was well watered.

By the time I finished that it was already getting to be around 9am. Just a quick chance to pull out a few weeds and plant out the beetroot (Boltardy and Golden Globe). Only about 5 of each germinated this year so I'm not expecting a huge crop, but they'll do. After giving them a good watering it, I decided that discretion was the better part of valour and scuttled back to my cool dark Otaku Room to spend the rest of the day programming and printing... except I realised that I didn't take any photos. Never mind, maybe tomorrow.

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