Saturday, 31 July 2021

After the rain comes the weeds

You can pretty much be certain that a few days after we gets some decent rains we're in for a growth spurt... from the weeds. And this is exactly what we've got now. The grasses, bind weeds, lambs quarters, thistles and who knows what else is very much trying to take over the plot. So it's all hands on deck.

I made a start on the pathways and the grass that's around the greenhouses, whilst The Wife made huge in roads clearing up the Edamame beds.

Unfortunately after a while we saw dark clouds on the horizon. So retreat was the order of the day as we didn't want to end up like before.

Good thing too, we just managed to make it home before those dark clouds caught up to us and started dumping more weeds growing substance on the ground. Guess we'll have to go back tomorrow.

The 2021 Courgette Tally:

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

A midweek trip to the plot

The rain had held off for a while, as we still have stuff in the greenhouse that needs watering, so I thought it safe to head for the allotment just to check on everything.

No sooner than I arrived when...

But after it died down a few minutes later, I was met with this...

Oh and a lot of flooding. Like the greenhouse is now a bit wet (as were my trainers) the courgettes are swimming, and I've stepped on a load more crunchy snails.

Maybe I should dash home before it starts throwing it down again.

The 2021 Courgette Tally:

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Localised flooding

Well after the sunny spell it's only right that it should end in a bang. Or rather a rumble. Yes, we've been hit with torrential downpours and rumblings that would make even the hungriest stomach wish it was fed.

After doing the usual drop-off of The Wife at the supermarket, I had to negotiate my way to the plot. I say negotiate because a lot of the roads were flooded resulting in traffic lights quitting and trying to divert my way around the blockages. I eventually manage to get there.

Of course the main throughway on the site (the one right next to us) was flooded. But also the Car Park.

I expected the greenhouse to be flooded as well, but thankfully it wasn't. Because I left the shed keys behind and couldn't put on my wellies.

Mind you, all this rain has brought out a whole load of snails and slugs. They make such a satisfying crunch underfoot.

The plot is looking quite well with another couple of courgettes to add to the tally. Which reminds me... time to start up the Tally again.

The 2021 Courgette Tally:

Hopefully that number will increase somewhat over the next few weeks.

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Phew, what a scorcher (part 2)

So today is the usual "I drop The Wife off at the megastore and go to the allotment" thing. Except this is a 2pm... right in the middle of the heat. Now yesterday I watered everything at about 8am, and I was fine with that. But today, after a quick look in the greenhouse I realised that I need to water yet again as thing are getting a little dry. Except watering? In this heat? So I had the water cannon in one hand and an emergency cup in the other and as much as I watered I drunk an equal amount. I was almost passing out in that heat.

Anyway, I got through it, and also pulled some of the rhubarb for the neighbours as they had been promised some. It would seem to be the last of the season as I don't think the plant will produce any more large stems again.

Anyway, time to go cool off. Although I suppose I should go and pick up The Wife.

Saturday, 17 July 2021

Phew, what a scorcher...

... and it's not even midday yet!

I was down the plot at stupid o'clock this morning in an attempt to beat the heat. London has a heat island effect which means it's usually one or two degrees hotter than advertised. Needless to say the first thing I did this morning was make sure everything was well watered.

By the time I finished that it was already getting to be around 9am. Just a quick chance to pull out a few weeds and plant out the beetroot (Boltardy and Golden Globe). Only about 5 of each germinated this year so I'm not expecting a huge crop, but they'll do. After giving them a good watering it, I decided that discretion was the better part of valour and scuttled back to my cool dark Otaku Room to spend the rest of the day programming and printing... except I realised that I didn't take any photos. Never mind, maybe tomorrow.

Saturday, 10 July 2021

First courgette

Things are a little late this year. We've only just had our first courgette. It doesn't have the normal green colour, because I suspect it hasn't bred true. The Squash family is notorious for cross-pollinating with other members of it's species. However it shouldn't affect it. I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

However the rest of the crops are starting to perk up a bit. The sweetcorn is now all outside, including the new ones that were started to replace those lost in the frost. Can you spot the difference... it's kind of obvious.

And all the tomatoes are now outside. These are Ailsa Craig (foreground, left) and Money Maker (background, right).

But there is a still a long battle with the weeds which the recent rains have driven into a growth frenzy. Hence the full wheelbarrow of dock, thistle, lambs quarters and a shed load of other things I couldn't even name. 

(And in case anybody is interested, the recent health issues I had was caused by a viral stomach bug. Not something I'd wish on anybody as the headaches and lack of eating was somewhat unpleasant.)