Saturday, 26 March 2022

Allotment Week - Day 1 - Disturbing the residents

So today I continued on digging out the compost bin. After all I'm going to be starting plenty of seeds and I need a good quantity of decent compost to start everything off. This bin has been here for two years, so sieve away.

Although some of the residents were not amused at their home being destroyed.

No, they are not Witchetty Grubs. They are in fact the larvae of one of the Chafer Beetles. Not entirely sure which one because there are over 20 different species of them. But they are pretty useful as they help break down plant matter. More to the point, they do like chomping on dead roots, which is very good for breaking down the old dead plants. They have an especial fondness for grasses... so I'm hoping they can munch of the Couch Grass.

Needless to say, they were transferred into the newer compost bins to carry on the good work. The results of which went on to be used in the sowing of Crown Prince Squash, Kelsae Onions, Sweetcorn and Peas. I'll be sowing more tomorrow.


  1. Ooh, they could be stag beetle larvae!

  2. They could be. I'm really unfamiliar with the beetles of the plot. Anyway it total there were about 50 of them throughout the compost. And all of them were moved into the new compost bins to carry on their good work.


What do you think?