Sunday, 3 May 2020

An unexpected Potato harvest.

So I did the usual "drop The Wife off for shopping and head to the plot" thing. Following on from yesterday's digging, I dug out the small bed in the middle of the plot which was last year's dumping ground for odds and ends.

So imagine my surprise when I find stumpy old carrots, half eaten beetroots, nettles, thistles, and a load of spuds.

Now, I'm not sure whether they are edible as they all seem to have sprouted and many have a zillion little roots. But one thing I can do, is plant them again, with a little more space and care. Normally I use bags for planting potatoes but these ones seem to have done OK, in the bed. It's just a matter of making sure you dig them all out, because you have spuds for life otherwise.

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