Friday, 17 April 2020

Allotment Week - Under lockdown - Day 21 - Pak Choi

So today is the last day of my "Holiday" - unless you count the weekends in which case I have two more days off. I've been off work for 3 weeks now and it's been an odd sort of time. The first oddness is the amount of sunshine. We have had sunny days galore which is quite unprecedented. But the most odd has, of course, been the lockdown. This plot is the only escape I have as I can't even go shopping now due to the limitations on my circumstances.

I had two conference calls with work from the plot. The first was our regular weekly catch-up and coffee break chat but the second, and more important, was the last day of work for a colleague as he is moving on to pastures new. I'm kind of lucky in that my work is not impacted. I can effectively work from anywhere I can get access to the Internet (even the Plot). But I know a lot of people have been seriously impacted by the ongoing situation.

But as to the Plot itself. Well the Pak Choi is certainly getting a little cramped in the little seed trays so it's time to pot them on into something with a little more room. Except I need a decent amount of compost to do that. Fortunately we have had a bag of compost on the plot for the past two years that we have never used. But it has been lying down and has a few holes in the packaging which means the rain has got in and it is soaking wet. So the first thing to do is break it up and put in into trugs to make it easier to handle.

So, to eke out the meagre amount of compost left (we're going to need quite a bit of it over the next few weeks) I first put some of the old composted manure in the very bottom of the troughs before filling the rest of the way with decent stuff. Then I started diggin gout the shoots and potting them on.

From the two small seed trays I managed to get 5 troughs. Though I did throw away some of the smaller seedlings.

So we'll see how these go.

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