Tuesday, 1 June 2021

A hot weekend

 Well this past weekend has been a scorcher. After weeks of cold, miserable weather we finally got a but of sun. Time to get some of the seedlings potted on into a bit more comfortable surroundings so they can make the most of this heat.

First up, we have our Tomatoes. Now our Sweet Millions were not very good starting. Of about 50 seeds we only got about 4 to germinate. I blame the weather. But the Ailsa Craig and Money Maker seem to have done quite well for themselves. Time to sit down and get potting.

There are also some other things which need sorting out... such as the influx of weeds because of all the rain. The Bindweed is starting to rear it's ugly head and I've managed to dig out some veritable rope sized roots of the stuff. I really need to keep on top of this stuff this year.

The newly potted Toms are now residing in the cleared second greenhouse.

And it's at this point that I didn't take any more photos. The heat took it's toll on me fro all three days that I went. Saturday was potting Toms, cleaning greenhouse and weeds and we picked some of the Pak Choi for dinner that night. I must say it wasn't the best. It was almost bitter. I suspect that the plants developed the bitterness as a response to all the slug/snail infestation. I might have to get a new batch underway.

Sunday was just a quick trip whilst The Wife was shopping. All I did was a quick spot of weed control and made a load of pots from toilet rolls.

Monday saw those toilet roll pots put to good use in the new batch of Edamame. The first lot were put out a little too early despite them wanting out of their pots. They didn't seem to survive the cold and the wet. I guess thats quite a common thing, getting plants started too early so they have to get put outside and then they get caught in late frosts. It's happened before. Really need to learn that lessons and make a start later.

Anyhow, I'll be popping back in the evenings this next week. It promises to be a bit of a hot one and I need to keep an eye on things. Oh, and there are still some plants which need potting on, such as the Sweetcorn, the Chillies etc. There is always something to do down the allotment. And if I'm not dealing with the plants... then I'll have to deal with the weeds. It never stops.

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