Sunday, 24 April 2022

Allotment Week - Shelves finally complete

It's allotment week. Again? Wasn't there one just a couple of weeks back? Well yes. It's because I'm now no longer able to carry over an obscene amount of leave from one year to the next. Covid has meant that I can't go anywhere else. The only places I can go is home and the allotment. I can't go to shops. And any face-to-face contact with other people must be outside and fully masked. As such I accrued a large amount of leave that was generously carried over. But now we're rolling it back so that only 5 days can be carried over. So once again, it's time to spend a week down the allotment.

Today was just a short visit. But I finally managed to get the shelves that I've been building, finished and mounted at the end of the greenhouse.

I suspect that these will end up as the storage points for the Tumbling Toms. I still have to fix the footings properly, but it's wired into the top of the greenhouse to stop it falling over. It's just damned hard trying to screw into hardwoods with just a screwdriver. I really need to get a decent set of tools. Which means I need to go shopping... which I can't do at present. Ho hum.

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