Saturday, 2 April 2022

Allotment Week - Day 8 - Anonymous Benefactor

So what happened to Day 7 then? Well like Day 6, I thought the snow flurries were reason enough to stay home and avoid the plot. I could have gone because if the greenhouse it was still quite warm, but I don't really have a lot to do in the greenhouse just yet. All of the major work is outside.

I've now pretty much finished all of the pathways. The last time I managed to put wood chip down everywhere was a couple of years back, so having this lot is a major difference to the plot. Now I have to say that having seen the results of the previous years  woodchip, putting newspaper or cardboard down as a barrier mulch is a waste of time. The Couch Grass rhizomes go straight through it as if it wasn't there, and although the newspaper does break down after a few months, it doesn't really justify the amount of work necessary to get rid of the stuff. The best option seems to be digging out the roots as a where you can.

At least the front is now completed.

However I couldn't have carted all of the amount of wood chip without an anonymous benefactor. It is common for many people to offer things for free. We trade amongst ourselves and help each other where we can. The other day I was down the plot and our resident plumber told be of a wheelbarrow going free over on the West Side of the allotments. Sure enough I went over there and saw that there was a lawn mower and a very sturdy built wheel barrow, with a sign on them saying free to a good home.

Well I have no need for a lawn mower, so that I left for whoever else wanted it. But the barrow? Considering the state of my old one, then yes please.

So I was using it today to shift the wood chips when somebody said "Oh you got it did you?" Yes, it was the person who repaired and donated the barrow. So now the benefactor is not so anonymous. Andy, thank you so very much for making my life easier.

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